Интервью с VACANT
Накануне Абстрасенции в Temple of Deer, команда фестиваля устроила лайв-стрим в собственной мастерской и взяла интервью у британского хедлайнера MAGIC TEMPLE — VACANT (UK).
Электронный продюсер Jake Mckinson из Южного Лондона, с 2012 года пишет музыку в стиле future garage, post dubstep и 2-step. Фото Сергея Гунина со специальной фотосессии к фестивалю Magic Temple в Петербурге.
We are glad to see you in Russia!
How are you feeling, and how are you spending your weekend here?
Yes, I've had a really nice time in Russia. This weekend, I plan to explore more of Saint Petersburg since the weather has been nice.
What places in Russia do you especially remember?
My wife has been showing me around some interesting places. I've visited Volgograd and saw the Mamayev Kurgan statue. Recently, I checked out Peterhof, the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, and Red Square in Moscow. I found Peterhof particularly fascinating; it was a memorable experience.
What Russian cuisine do you prefer?
I enjoy Borscht, Pilaf, Manti made by my wife's mum, Makarony po-flotski, Pirozhki, Sguschonka with Blinchiki, and Shulum. That's all I can recall at the moment, but there's more I need to try!
What does music mean to you?
Tell us how and why you came to the sound that you have now?
Music has always been a significant part of my life, serving as an emotional outlet and a way for me to express myself.

Before my current style, I explored various genres, including hip hop, grime, garage, house, and R&B. In the late 2000s, I discovered future garage and ambient music, which instantly resonated with me. The nostalgic sound, blending elements of UK garage, jungle, and grime, reminded me of my upbringing and it deeply connected with me. As I immersed myself in this style, I found it to be the most authentic way to express my emotions through music. For me, I listen to music in a way which holds memories and it takes me back to specific moments in time.
Фото слева: первое выступление Джейка в Екатеринбурге, клуб "Дом Печати", 2017 год. Справа: фото Сергея Гунина со специальной фотосессии к фестивалю Magic Temple в Петербурге.
You have been writing music for more than 15 years. Have you encountered burnout, and how did you overcome it? What motivates you not to stop on this long journey?
Yes, I started making music in the early 2000s. Before that, I first started learning music on an electronic keyboard from around the age of 5. There have been times when I've felt burnt out, often due to creating music every single day. I tend to create a lot of music that goes unheard and theres a lot that I haven't released. I usually make music for fun, generating a lot of ideas and then revisiting them to see which ones still resonate with me after listening for a long time. Sometimes, I don't feel as connected to music because of other commitments in my life. I have a big family, and when I was younger, I had more time to sit and write music. As I've gotten older, I've taken on more responsibilities and needed a little break from music. However, I've learned to get past these challenges by reminding myself of the joy music brings me and the support of my fans. Taking breaks has also been essential for me to come back with new ideas. My passion for music and the connection I share with my audience continue to drive me forward on this journey.
Are there any Russian musicians you listen to and with whom you would like to record a collab?
I can think of a few Russian musicians I would enjoy working with, such as Cultrow, Volor Flex, Ghostek, Sibewest, Rusez1, Skaya and many more.
What are your favourite works of your own and other authors?
Some of my favourite songs that I've made include Without You, High Rise, Solace, Over You, Southbound, and Polaris. As for other artists, I admire the works of Bucky, Sorrow, Beau, Culprate, Azaleh, and many more.
How do you see your future development now?
In the future, I want to get involved in writing music for film and explore new musical styles, such as autonomic drum & bass and dubstep. I've enjoyed these styles for many years but I haven't released much music in this style. Also, I want to release more merchandise and vinyl records at some point.
What advice can you give to aspiring electronic engineers?
My advice to aspiring musicians is to enjoy the creative process, enjoy experimenting with sounds and don't get too caught up in the rules and technical side of things. Dive deep into the music, explore different sounds and ideas, and let your emotions drive your creativity. This will make the music sound like something unique and authentic to yourself.
Обложки для треков "High Rise", выпущенного в 2016 году и "Skaya" — в ноябре 2023.
How do you like the latest performances at "Abstrasension"? What exactly do you remember?
I had a great time at the latest performances. The atmosphere was great, and the audience's reaction of hearing my music live was nice to see. I always appreciate the support and energy from the crowd during my performances.
What energizes you most during a performance?
I find that playing my classic songs or getting an applause from the audience during transitions between the songs energizes me the most during performances. It's encouraging to see the audience enjoying the music especially when I play an older song and it motivates me to keep creating memorable experiences for them.
Have you had any funny incidents with fans?
While I can't recall any particularly crazy incidents, I do find it amusing when I attempt to speak Russian with fans, even though I'm still learning the language. Their reactions are always funny and they seem shocked.
Many people have been coming to your performances for many years. Do you remember specific names or faces? What would you like to convey to your listeners?
Yes, I often recognize familiar faces at my performances and have made friends with some who have been supporting me since my early days. I deeply appreciate their loyalty and support. My performances are a blend of familiar tracks and unreleased music, and I want to try and create a unique atmosphere that I hope resonates with my listeners. I aim to bring the underground vibe of my UK roots to audiences worldwide, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my music journey with them.